Boréale and the 24h Tremblant
At this time of the year at Boréale, it’s the moment we all work together to support a cause that is close to our hearts: the 24h Tremblant for the well-being of children.
For those who don't already know, the 24h Tremblant Foundation supports the great cause of children through organizations with a medical and social vocation. Their ultimate goal is that all children can grow up and thrive in good health. The donations collected during this major fundraiser are then redistributed between 3 organizations: the Charles-Bruneau Foundation, the Tremblant Foundation, and the CHEO Foundation. This major fundraiser ends with a relay challenge held from December 5 to 6 in Mont-Tremblant. It's during this great event that we proudly announce the total amount raised by all participants during the year. No need to tell you, this is an emotional and proud day!
And since we've been participating in 24h Tremblant for 7 years now, we had to tell you a little more.
Enjoy the advantages reserved to a community of beer lovers
Discover the Maîtres Buveurs program and the benefits awaiting its members.
In 2014, a lot of things happened in Quebec! For Boréale, it was the start of a long history of friendship and social involvement with 24h Tremblant. When the opportunity to mobilize your employees for such an important cause presents itself, you jump on it without hesitation! The 24h invites people to move, to surpass themselves, and to be active. For us, outdoor enthusiasts and sports enthusiasts with a fairly competitive mind, this was the perfect opportunity to help children in need of fundraising. Over the years, this association has enabled our dedicated employees to raise more than $ 216,000 for the children. We are very proud of this achievement!
Throughout each edition, the participating teams at Boréale have surpassed themselves with creative ideas to raise donations. We had an impressive amount of contests and snacks for sale among employees to fill the famous afternoon craving. From the production of smoked salmon to the conception of a jelly created with our IPA du Nord-Est, we have seen many initiatives pass! We are blessed to have generous supporters who help us achieve our goals.
Moreover, if at some point you participated in one of our Oktoberfest or Growlerfest for the benefit of 24h Tremblant, you too have done your part in this great adventure. Ditto if you bought the beer we launch in your favorite sale points a while ago for the benefit of the 24h.
Our last initiative, and not the least, is the famous bear paw, official High Five of the cause for 2 years now. During the event, we encourage all participants with it. If you want a paw for yourself, it is available at our Relais Boréale!

In order to understand how much we have the 24h Tremblant `` tattooed on our hearts '', you must also know that our involvement goes much further and that it is not only our employees who are well invested in this cause. Our CEO, Sébastien Paradis, is just as much! In addition to participating in every 24H since his arrival in 2016, he has been part of the foundation executive board and has been for 3 years now. His role? Stimulate participation, encourage re-registrations, invite companies to register and stimulate fundraising from the teams for which he is responsible. The participants in our teams are therefore pumped up!

The arrival of November and December makes us very excited and now you can see why! Getting involved in this great adventure is a challenge that we are proud to meet together. If your heart tells you, we also invite you to encourage our teams in achieving their goals: https://participant.24htrembla...